Ladies Bible Study
Our Ladies Bible Study meets from 10:00 - 11:30 am at Morningstar on Fridays during the school year. Come and create meaningful relationships and study God's word together. Contact to get connected.

Game Group
We also host an active group of gamers! On Wednesdays from 1pm-3pm and 6pm-8pm we have a group of people join us to play games here at the church. We play all sorts of games including cards, board games, etc. It is always a lot of fun and we have a large collection of games to choose from!

Knitting Group
Morningstar hosts a knitting group every Tuesday from 1pm-3pm, where people can gather to knit and share project ideas, crafts, and just enjoy the company of fellow knitters! Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned knitting veteran, all are welcome!

Women of Morningstar
This is an active group of women! Throughout the year, you can find them doing anything from cleaning up a park to hosting an annual retreat. They meet during the summer to work on crafts, which are then sold at craft sales in the fall to support an "adopted" child through Compassion International.
Service projects have become an important part of the group. Contact to get connected.